Dr. YE Juyan is currently an associate professor in the Institute of Teacher Education Research, Faculty of Education at Beijing Normal University (Center for Teacher Education Research of Beijing Normal University, Key Research Institutes of Humanities and Social Sciences in Universities of Ministry of Education). She obtained her PhD in educational administration and policy studies from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2011. With a wide range of research field covering from Preschool education to Higher education, Dr. Ye specifically focuses on exploring the changing social structure that Chinese teachers are facing from a historicalsociological perspective .
She also concerns about how individual teachers in different contexts exert their agency and construct their teacher identities. Till now, she has published more than 30 research papers and books on teacher identity, educational research methodology, educational policy studies etc. in SSCI (in English) & CSSCI (in Chinese) journals such as <Teaching and Teacher: Theory and Practice>, <Asia-pacific Journal of Teacher Education>, <Peking University Education Review>. Since 2013, Dr. Ye served as an associate editor for <Teaching and Teacher: Theory and Practice>.
She is also the manuscript reviewer for a variety of journals, such as <Teaching and Teacher Education>; < Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice >;<Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education>; <Research Papers in Education>; <ECNU Review of Education>; < Peking University Education Review >(In Chinese); <Journal of Educational Studies>(In Chinese); <Journal of Teacher Education Research>(In chinese); < Global Education> (In Chinese)In the following 3 years, she will mainly focus on two research topics: one is about teachers’ boundary crossing learning and leadership both in an internationalization and in a school grouping running context in China, the other is about how teacher can facilitate imaginative play in early childhood education.
E‐mail: yere263@bnu.edu.cn
Sep 2008‐Sep 2011 Ph.D. in Education Administration and Policy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sep 2005‐ Jul 2008 M.A. in Comparative Education, Beijing Normal University
Sep 2001‐ Jul 2005 B.A. in Education, Beijing Normal University
Dec 2011 ‐Jun 2018 Assistant Professor, Beijing Normal University
Jul 2018 ‐ Associate Professor, Beijing Normal University
Teacher professional development; Children’s play; Educational policy studies; Comparative education
For Undergraduate
For Postgraduate
(For Erasmus Mundus Master in Research and Innovation in Higher Education Program, supported by EU)
Principle Investigator
Education aid across provincial boundary: Approaches and effects, granted by the Minister of Education, China, 2020-2023;
Play-based curriculum development for Kindergarten, granted by the Education Committee of Chaoyang District,Beijing, 2018-now;
Exploration-based curriculum development for Kindergarten, granted by the Education Committee of Chaoyang District, Beijing, 2017-now;“Research on the implementation of Principals& Teachers Rotation and Exchange Policy under the current townurban integration planning context”, granted by the Minister of Education, China, 2014-2018;
“Research on the implementation of Teachers Rotation and Exchange Policy: Through the lens of Capability Approach”, granted by the Beijing Municipal government, 2014-2018;“Action research on promoting pre‐ school teacher professional development through teacher do action research”, granted by the Education Committee of Chaoyang District, Beijing, 2015‐2018;
“Action research on pre‐ school teacher professional identity development”, granted by the EducationCommittee of Chaoyang District, Beijing, 2014‐2015;
“Research on the new faculty induction in the context of building world‐ class university”, granted by the Beijing Normal University, 2014‐2016.
“Research on the anti‐ academic inbreeding institution in American university”, granted by ʺThe Fifteen‐Universities’ Thesis Prize of Education, Social Science and Medical Science Research”, 2007‐2008;
“Study on the construction of the learning society evaluation indicators”, one of the Sub‐programs of the “Research on the Construction of a Learning Society” lead by Prof. Gu Mingyuan, granted by the Ministry of Education, PRC, 2005‐2008;
“Research on the construction and adjustment of rural teacher education system in China”, granted by the Ministry of Education, 2013‐2015;
“The professional development of primary school teacher: theory and practice”, granted by the Ministry of Education, PRC, 2011‐2014;
“Research on the construction of modern teacher education system in China”, granted by the Ministry of Education, PRC, 2011‐2012;
“Educational change in Chinese society”, granted by the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, 2010‐2014;
“Research on the changing teaching force (1978‐ 2008)”, granted by the Ministry of Education, PRC, 2010‐2013;
“An empirical study on the logic of academic research institution in Chinese higher education”, granted by Beijing Government, 2007‐2010;
“Has curriculum reform made a difference? Looking for change in classroom practice”, Co‐granted by the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong and Ministry of Education, PRC, 2005‐2007.
Journal Articles
Zhou, S. & Ye, J. (Accepted). Why they kept committed: Emotional drives of rotating teachers in the context of teacher rotation policy in China. Beijing International Review of Education. (Correspondent author)
Zhang, J.; Ye, J.; Wang, J. (Accepted). The Effect of Teacher Exchange and Rotation and Its Realization Mechanism: Empirical Analysis based on Three Rotation Paths. Journal of Educational Studies, (in Chinese)(Correspondent author)
Zhang, J.; Ye, J.; Wang, J. (2022). Rotating Teachers’ Work Participation and Its Influencing Factors: Differentiating three rotation paths, Journal of Teacher Education Research, 34(1), 57-63. (in Chinese) (Correspondent author)
Ye, J.; Zhang, J. (2021). Effective teachers' rotation policy implementation relies on proper teacher allocation. China Education Daily, 2021-9-15. (in Chinese)
Chen, W.; Ye, J. (2021). Life education in Primary science education: An exploration on the Experimental pedagogy. Education and Equipment Research, (1), 34-37. (in Chinese)
Leslie, L.; Zhong, Y.; Ye, J.; & Zhen, S. (2021). Rotating for quality and equity: A Study on teachers as borrowed talents. in Zhu,X. & Song, H. (Ed.). Envisioning teaching and learning of teachers for excellence and equity in Education (pp. 201-240.). Springer. (Correspondent author)
Ping, C.; Schellings, G.; Beijarrd, D.; & Ye, J. (2020). Teacher Educators’ professional learning:
Ye, J.; Zhu, X.; Lo, N.K. (2019). Reform of teacher education in China: A survey of policies for systemic change. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 25(7), 757-781.
Liu, Laura; Ye, J. (2019). Ren-De agency in international faculty professional development: A China case study of glocal identity integration. Teacher Development,
He, W.; Li, Q.; Ye, J., & Lo, L. (2019). “Working with heart”: A study of the effectiveness of rotating teac hers’ capability exertion and the influential factors. Journal of Educational Studies,2, 58-65.
Ye, J. & Zhao, D. (2019). Developing different identity trajectories: Lessons from the Chinese teachers. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 25(1), 34-53.
Tsang, W.; Luo, Y.; Ye, J. (2018). In searching of the meaning of empirical research: A comparative historical examination of debates in empirical research. Peking University Education Review, 16(3), 104-131.
Ye, J. & Zhu, X. (2018). Nurturing teacher leadership in the context of collaborative educational change: Its value,connotation and methods. Journal of Teacher Education Research, 2, 11‐18. (in Chinese)
Ye, J. (2018). Developing teacher professional identity is vital for improving teacher quality. People’s Education,(8). (in Chinese)
Zhong, Y. , Ye, J.; & Lo, L. (2018). Examining Teacher Rotation through the lens of leadership for learning: A case study. Research in Educational Development, 4, 51‐58. (in Chinese)
Du, P.; Zhang, Y.; Ye, J. (2018), An analysis on the teachers’ willingness to rotate from the perspective of Push‐Pull theory. Research in Educational Development, 4, 37‐44. (in Chinese)
Wang, F., Ye, J. & Sun, L. (2017). “Strangers” in school: Typology of the identities constructed by the rotated Teachers. Journal of Educational Studies, 3, 86‐92. (in Chinese)
Shi, J. & Ye, J. (2017). On the Practice‐Facilitation‐Reflection oriented faculty development. Journal of Teacher Education Research, 6, 81‐87. (in Chinese)
Ye, J. & Lo, L. (2016). The implementation of principals and teachers rotation policy: Insights through the lens of “Capability Approach”. Educational Research, 1, 55‐62. (in Chinese)
Ye, J. (2015). Three approaches of humanist teacher education thoughts and practice in America. Comparative Education Review, 10, 58‐65. (in Chinese)
Ye, J. (2015). The construction and patterns of teacher identity in China after the implementation of the reform and opening‐up policies: Cases study from a historical sociological perspective. Peking University Education Review,
143‐161. (in Chinese)
Ye, J. (2014). How rural teachers construct their identity and its implications for policy. Journal of Teacher Education Research, 6, 86‐92. (in Chinese)
Ye, J. (2014). From competition to cooperation: the evolving relationship among the state, market and educational professionals in education reform of Anglo‐American countries in Post‐War Era. Comparative Education Review,
3, 37‐43. (in Chinese)
Ye, J. (2014). Being professional: The internal motive force for teacher participating rotation and educational reform.Global Education, 1, 82‐94. (in Chinese)
Zhang, H.; YE, J. (2014) . On the humanistic approach in Western teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education Research, 25(1), 103‐108. (in Chinese)
Ye, J. (2013). The theoretical foundations for internationalization of education. Chinese Education Policy Review.Beijing: Educational Science Publishing House. (in Chinese)
Ye, J. (2013). Narrative in teacher identity research: Methodological considerations. Peking University Education Review, 11(1), 89‐100. (in Chinese)
Ye, J, LO, L. (2012). The formation of the “Respect for Teachers” institution in traditional Chinese society.Journal of Teacher Education Research, 24(3), 54‐62. (in Chinese)
Ye, J. (2010). The evolution of the anti‐Academic inbreeding institution in American research universities and its implications. Peking University Education Review, 8(1), 125‐140. (in Chinese)
Lo, L., Ye, J. (2010). A comparison of teacher professionalization between England and France and its implications. Comparative Education Review, 2010(2), 64‐68. (in Chinese)
Ye, J. (2007). Scotland 5‐18 years’ old student financial education and its implication for China. Elementary &
Secondary Schooling Abroad, 2007(2), 61‐65. (in Chinese)
Books & Book Chapters
Ye, J. (2017). A historical sociological study of teacher identity construction. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press.
Lo, L. & Ye, J. (2017). The historical context of the role and status of scholars and teachers in traditional China. In
Zhu, X.D; Lin Goodwin, A. & Zhang, H.J. Quality of Teacher Education and Learning (pp.157‐192). Springer.
Ye, J. (2017). Research on Chinese teacher identity in a changing context of Chinese society. In Li Qiong, Ding
Meijuan (Eds.). Building a Teaching Force in the Changing Context of Chinese Society (pp.211‐243). Beijing: Beijing
Normal University Press.
Ye, J. (2017). Humanist teacher education thought. In Zhu Xudong (Eds.). Research on Teacher Education thoughts
(PP. 367‐401). Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press.
Conference Papers
Ye, J. (2016). How Chinese teachers do the Teacher Rotation Policy and its implications for school‐based teacherdevelopment——Case study on A County. Paper accepted by the Association for Teacher Education in Europe.
Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Ye, J.; Lo, L. (2015). “To be (act) or not to be (act)?”——The Ambivalent Identity of Chinese Teachers in a transformative Context. Paper presented in the 17th Biennial Conference of the International Study Association of Teacher and Teaching (ISATT). Auckland, New Zealand.
Ye, J. (2014). Professional learning community in Chinese schools: Realities and possibilities. Paper presented in the first International Conference of School as Learning Community. Tokyo, Japan.
Ye, J; Leslie, L.; & Wu, G.Z. (Jul 2013). “Who am I as a Chinese Teacher?” -A narrative study of identity construction of Chinese teachers. Paper presented in the 16th Biennial Conference of the International Study Association of
Teacher and Teaching (ISATT). Ghent, Belgium.
Ye, J. (Aug 2010). The institutional context for teacher identity construction in China: A historical institutionalism perspective. Paper presented in The 35th Annual Conference of the Association of Teacher Education in Europe
(ATEE). Budapest, Hungary.
Ye, J. (Mar 2010). The construction of teacher professionalism in China. Paper presented in the 54th Annual Conference of Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). Chicago, IL.
Tsang, W.; YE, J.; & Luo, Y. (In Press). In pursuit of the science of education: A retrospection of acentury-long pilgrimage of educational researchers. Peking University Education Review.
Annual Excellent Teacher, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, 2016
Excellent Tutor for Student Service Learning, Beijing Normal University, 2016
Best Teaching Disposition Award, Beijing Normal University, 2012, 2013
ʺThe Fifteen‐Universities’ Thesis Prize of Education, Social Science and Medical Science Research ʺ , 2007
Research Fellow, Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC) at The Education University of Hong Kong
Associate Editor, <Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice>;
Manuscript Reviewer, < Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice >;<Asia‐Pacific Journal of Teacher Education>;
<Teaching and Teacher Education>; <Research Papers in Education>; <ECNU Review of Education>; < Peking
University Education Review >(In Chinese); <Journal of Educational Studies>(In Chinese); <Journal of Teacher Education
Research>(In chinese) ; < Global Education> (In Chinese)