Associate Professor
Center for Teacher Education Research
Faculty of Education
Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
Telephone: +86 10 58804316
Personal website:
Research Statement
With 16 years of professional training, research, and practice in teacher education, my work is centered on key issues in this field:
l Teacher Policy: How can high-quality research support the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of teacher policies?
l Teacher Thinking Qualities: How can we cultivate the professional thinking qualities required by the new era, such as caring, contextual, reflective, critical, evidence-based, and systematic thinking?
l Expert Teachers: How can we understand, develop, and support the top-tier educators, maximizing their professional influence and leadership?
l Teacher Educators: How can we promote cross-boundary learning and continuous development among teacher educators, supporting teacher growth through modeling, training, collaboration, personalized guidance, and community building?
l Self-Study Methodology: How can we develop a self-study methodology rooted in diverse philosophical thoughts and socio-cultural realities, empowering educators to work, learn, and grow in a manner that is both self-improving and beneficial to others?
l Emerging Issues: How can we thoughtfully understand and actively respond to new phenomena, trends, and challenges in teacher education?
As a researcher deeply embedded in the field of teacher education, I am committed to pursuing less but better, adhering to principles of intrinsic motivation, humanistic concern, scientific evidence, academic innovation, alignment of thought and action, and public responsibility.
Ph.D. Student Supervision
I am recruiting Ph.D. students in the Teacher Education Policy and Practice program (for international students only) for the next academic year (2025-2026). If you are interested in the research topics mentioned above and possess a passion for academic research, experience in educational practice, solid professional training, and excellent English skills (knowledge of Chinese is a plus), please feel free to contact me by
2012.08 - 2018.05 Michigan State University, Ph.D. in Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education (dual major: Educational Policy)
2008.09 - 2011.06 Beijing Normal University, M.A. in Teacher Education
2004.08 - 2008.06 Beijing Normal University, B.A. in Management Science
Professional Positions
2023.08 - now Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University
2018.08 - 2023.08 Lecturer (equivalent to Assistant Professor), Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University
2017.08 - 2018.05 Program Director, Chinese Teacher Certification Program (CTCP), Michigan State University
2012.08 - 2017.05 Graduate Instructor, Department of Teacher Education, Michigan State University
2011.07 - 2012.06 Research Assistant, Center for Teacher Education Research, Beijing Normal University
Courses Taught
Doctoral level
Teacher Professional Development: Theory and Practice
Doctoral Research Seminar
International Teacher Education Policy and Practice
Master’s level
Principles of Teacher Education
Foundations of Education: Education and Society
Social-Emotional Development of School-Aged Youth
Lab and Field Experiences in Curriculum, Teaching, and Schooling
Teaching Practicum (on-site guidance to intern teachers)
Narrative Research
Dissertation and Thesis Writing and Its Norms
Undergraduate Level
Thinking Like a Teacher: Teacher Thinking Quality and Its Improvement
Human Diversity, Power, and Opportunity in Social Institutions
Introduction to Educational and Psychological Theories
Teacher Education Theory and Practice (Summer Camp)
Chinese Education Reform and Improvement
Articles in Peer-Reviewed English Journals (*=SSCI indexed)
1 *Liao, W., Hu, Y., Liu, J., Liu, M., & Zhao, L. (2024). Unpacking Chinese Mingshi’s (expert teachers) career trajectories. Teaching and Teacher Education, 145, 104677.
2* Liao, W., & Yuan, R. (2024). Liao, W., & Yuan, R. (2024). Cultivating criticality through transformative critical thinking curriculums in a time of flux and transformation. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 56(8), 743-749. [corresponding]
3 *Liu, M., & Liao, W. (2024). How do China's national-level teacher leaders perceive and improve their instructional leadership? A case study. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. Advance Online Publication. [Corresponding]
4 *Liu, M., & Liao, W. (2024). Unpacking expert teachers' theory construction experiences: A case study. Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 55(4), 458-476. [Corresponding]
5 *Zhang, H., Li, R., & Liao, W. (2024). Unpacking MATESOL students’ self-regulated learning strategy use in an EAP course. System, 124, 103364. [Corresponding]
6 *Yuan, R., Wang, Z., Liao, W., Wu, W., & Fang, S. (2024). Probing university teachers’ self-study experiences: insights from a systematic review spanning two decades. Studies in Higher Education. Advance Online Publication.
7* Liao, W., Li, X., Dong, Q., & Wang, Z. (2023) Non-university-based teacher educators' professional learning: A systematic review. Teaching and Teacher Education, 136, 104374.
8* Yuan, R., & Liao, W. (2023). Critical thinking in teacher education: Where do we stand and where can we go?. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 29(5), 543-552. [corresponding]
9* Liao W., Wang, C., Zhou, J., Cui, Z., Sun, X., Bo, Y., Xu, M., & Dang, Q. (2022). Effects of equity-oriented teacher education on preservice teachers: A systematic review. Teaching and Teacher Education, 103844.
10* Liao, W., Liu, M., Wang, Z., & Qin, K. (2022). Chinese expert teachers' critical thinking strategies for professional growth. Professional Development in Education. Advance Online Publication.
11* Liu, W., Yuan, R., Liao, W., & Zhang, H. (2022). “I felt the whole world was against me!”: A qualitative analysis of novice teachers’ anger expression and regulation. Educational Studies, 50(1), 83-102. [corresponding]
12* Wang, Z., Yuan, R., & Liao, W. (2022). Learning to teach through recursive boundary crossing in the teaching practicum. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. Advance Online Publication. [Corresponding]
13* Ham, S. H., Liao, W., & Zhou, Y. (2022) Towards a school culture of pedagogical fairness: Revisiting the academic performance of immigrant children in East Asia. International Journal of Inclusive Education. Advance Online Publication.
14* Yuan, R., Liao, W., Wang, Z., Kong, J., & Zhang, Y. (2022). How do English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) teachers perceive and engage with critical thinking: A systematic review from 2010 to 2020. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 101002. [corresponding]
15* Liao, W., Wang, X., & Qin, K. (2021). Learning to become culturally responsive teacher educators in an internationalized doctoral course: A video-cued interpretive study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 102 (June), 1-12.
16* Liao, W. (2020). Using collaborative video-cued narratives to study professional learning: A reflective analysis. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 19, 1-13.
17 Opoku, E., Sang, G., & Liao, W. (2020). Examining teacher preparation and on-the-job experience: The gap of theory and practice. International Journal of Research, 9(4), 75-85.
18* Liao, W., Liu, Y., Zhao, P., & Li, Q. (2019). Understand how to implement teacher rotation policy in a Chinese context: A sense-making perspective. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 25(7), 855-873.
19* Liu, Y., & Liao, W. (2019). Professional development and its impact on teacher efficacy: Evidence from 32 countries using TALIS 2013. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 30(4), 587-509. [corresponding]
20 Liao, W., & Maddamsetti, J. (2019). Transnationality and teacher educator identity development: A collaborative auto-ethnographic study. Action in Teacher Education, 41(4), 287-306.
21* Liao, W. (2019). “Weekday rural teachers, weekend urban spouses and parents”: A Chinese case of how alternative hiring policy influences teachers’ career decisions. International Journal of Educational Development, 67, 53-63.
22* Zhang, H., Yuan, R., & Liao, W. (2019). EFL teacher development facilitated by lesson study: A Chinese perspective. TESOL Quarterly, 53(2), 542-552.
23* Liao, W., Yuan, R., & Zhang, H. (2017). Chinese language teachers’ challenges in teaching in U.S. public schools: A dynamic portrayal. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 26(6), 369-381
24* Liao, W., & Hu, S. (2017). Chinese teachers’ perceptions of academically oriented teacher preparation. Journal of Education for Teaching, 43(5), 628-633.
25* Liao, W., & Yuan, R. (2017). Understand an emerging “failure” of an equality-oriented teacher policy in China: A job search perspective. International Journal of Educational Research, 81, 71-82.
26 Tatto, M. T., Savage, C., Liao, W., Marshall, S., Goldblatt, P., & Medel, L. (2016). The emergence of high-stakes accountability policies in teacher preparation: An examination of the U.S. Department of Education’s proposed regulations. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 24(21), 1-54.
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Chinese Journals (*=CSSCI indexed)
1.* Liao, W., Dong, Q., Li, X., & Wang, C. (2024). Lun shijianxing jiaoshi jiaoyuzhe peixun kecheng de goujian [On the construction of practice-based teacher educator training curriculum]. Jiaohsi jioayu yanjiu, 36(1), 22-28.(《教师教育研究》期刊文章)
2 Liao, W. (2024). Guoji bijiao shiyu xia youshi jihua zhengce de tezheng youshi, qianzai fengxian yu yingdui jucuo [Characteristics, advantages, potential risks, and counter measures of the Targeted High-Quality Teacher Preparation Plan from an international comparative perspective]. Dangdai jiaoshi jiaoyu, (2), 94-100.(《当代教师教育》期刊文章)
3.* Liao, W., Liu, M., & Mao, Y. (2023). Xunzheng shi tingping ke: Weihe xunzheng? xun hezheng? ruhe xunzheng? [Evidence-based lesson observation: Why evidence-based? Based on what evidence? How to base on evidence?]. Zhongguo jiaoyu xuekan, (4), 86-91.(《中国教育学刊》期刊文章)
4.* Liao, W., Liu, M., & Dang, Q. (2023). Jiaoshi jiaoyu zhe jiaoxue shifan de leixing, celve, jiqi dui jiaoshi xuexizhe de yingxiang [The types and strategies of teacher educators’ instructional modeling and their influences on teacher learners]. Jiaoshi jiaoyu yanjiu, 35(1), 49-55. (《教师教育研究》期刊文章)
5.* Hu, Y., Liao, W., Liu, J., Liu, M., & Zhao, L. (2023). Shengming licheng lilun shijiao xia teji jiaoshi chengzhang lujing ji yingxiang yinsu yanjiu [Research on the path and Influencing factors of special-grade teacher’s growth from the perspective of life course theory]. Jiaoyu xuebao, 19(3), 126-139.(《教育学报》期刊文章)
6. Liao, W., & Zhang, A. (2022). Shuangjian beijing xia jiaoshi zhuanye fazhan de bian yu bubian [Changes and constants of teacher professional development under the background of "Double Deduction" policy]. Zhongguo jiaoshi, (5), 16-20.(《中国教师》期刊文章)
7.* Wang, X., & Liao, W. (2021). Zai guoji boshi kecheng zhong peiyang zhiqian jiaoshi jiaoyu zhe wenhua huiyingxing suyang de jiaoxue celve yanjiu [A study on the instructional strategies of fostering pre-service teacher educators’ culturally responsive competencies in international doctoral courses]. Jiaoshi jiaoyu yanjiu, 33(4), 100-106.(《教师教育研究》期刊文章)
8.* Zhu, X., Liao, W., Jin, W., & Liu, M. (2021). Lun zhuoyue jiaoshi peixun kecheng de goujian [On the construction of excellent teacher training curriculum]. Kecheng jiaocai jiaofa, 41(8), 23-31. (《课程教材教法》期刊文章)
9. Liao, W., & Wang, Z. (2021). Xueshu xing jiaoshi jiaoyu zhe de shenfen jiangou [The identity construction of academic teacher educators]. Jiaoshi jiaoyu xuebao, 8(4), 65-73. (《教师教育学报》期刊文章)
10.* Yan, Y., Fu, Y., Liu, L., & Liao, W. (2020). Woguo xunzheng jiaoshi jioayu juece: Neihan, jiazhi yu lujing [Chinese evidence-based teacher educational policy decision-making: Definition, value, and path]. Jiaoshi jiaoyu yanjiu, 32(6), 21-26. (《教师教育研究》期刊文章)
11.* Liao, W. (2020). Xunzheng jiaoshi zhuanye fazhan shijian zhi PD&R shijian moshi: Yi "Beijing shifan daxue APEx zhuoyue jiaoyujia peiyang xiangmu" wei gean de yanjiu [The PD&R practice model of evidence-based teacher professional development: The case of “Beijing Normal University APEx Excellent Teacher Preparation Program”]. Jiaoshi jiaoyu yanjiu, 32(4), 9-16. (《教师教育研究》期刊文章)
12. Xie, J., & Liao, W. (2020). Rongheshi jiaoxue jiqi shiijan celve [Integrative teaching and its practical strategies]. Zhongguo jiaoshi, (4), 60-63. (《中国教师》期刊文章)
13.* Jin, W., & Liao, W. (2019). Lun jiaoyujiaxing jiaoshi de neihan yu chengzhang lujing [On the connotations and development approaches of educationalist teachers]. Jiaoshi jiaoyu yanjiu, 31(4), 53-59.(《教师教育研究》期刊文章)
14.* Zhao, Y., Li, Z., & Liao, W. (2018). Meiguo mixiegen zhouli daxue shifansheng jiaoyu shijian tixi tezheng yanjiu [Discussion on the
characteristics of high quality teaching practicum system for preparing teachers—A case study of the teaching education programs in Michigan State University, USA]. Waiguo jiaoyu yanjiu, 44(4), 68-81. (《外国教育研究》期刊文章)
15. Liao, W., Glew, M., & Song, H. (2017). “Quanqiu shiye de weilai jiaoyujia peiyang xiangmu” de sheji linian [Principles of designing the “Global and Future Educators Program]. Zhongguo jiaoshi, 5, 15-19. (《中国教师》期刊文章)
16.* Zhao, P., Liao, W., & Cui, Y. (2011). Lun daxue jiaoshi xueshu chuangxinli de jichu: Xueshu zizhu nengli [Foundational capacities of
university teachers for innovating: The academic autonomy ability], Bijiao jiaoyu yanjiu, 33(7), 21-25. (《比较教育研究》期刊文章)
17. Liao, W. (2009). Quanli jiegou xia de jiaoshi yu nongcun jiaoyu [Teachers and rural education under the constraint of institutional power] Zhongguo jiaoshi, 9 (9), 61-63. (《中国教师》期刊文章).
Monographs & Edited Books
1. Li, Q., Song, H., & Liao, W. (2022). Jianshe gaosuzhi zhuanyehua chuangxinxing jiaoshi duiwu de zhanlve yu zhengce [Strategies and
policies on constructing a high-quality, professional, and innovative teacher workforce]. Renmin Jiaoyu Chubanshe. (编著,《建设高素质专业化创新型教师队伍的战略与政策》,人民教育出版社,2022年)
Book Chapters, Book Reviews, & Editorials
1. Liao, W., & Wei, Y. (2022). Advancing teacher professionalism in rural China: An equality-oriented policy approach. Palgrave Macmillan.
2. Liao, W. (2021). Equity-oriented teacher education: Introduction to the special issue. Beijing International Review of Education, 3(3), 323-325.
3. Liao, W. (2020). Preservice teacher education and induction in Southwest China: A narrative inquiry through cross-cultural teacher
development (by Ju Huang). Frontiers of Education in China, 15(3), 532-535. [invited book review]
4. Liao, W., & Zhou, Y. (July, 2020). Teacher education reform and national development in China (1978-2017): Four metaphors. In L., Lefty, & J. W., Fraser (Eds.). Teaching the world's teachers: A history, 1970-2017 (pp. 111-131). Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
5. Yuan, L., Liao, W., & Chen, L. (2019). Woguo jiaoshi jiaoyu zhiliang baozhang tixi [The quality assurance system of China's teacher
education]. in X., Zhu, & Y., Xhu (Eds.). Zhongguo jiaoshi jiaoyu gaige sishi nian: Jiaoshi jiaoyu juan (China's education reform in the past forty years: The volume of teacher education). Beijing: Beijing Normal University Publishing Group. (《中国教育改革40年:教师教育卷》第五章“教师教育的质量保障”撰写人之一)
6. Liao, W. (2018). Shenhua jiaoshi renshi zhidu gaige [Deepening the reform of teachers' personnel
system]. In X., Zhu (Ed.). Xinshidai zhongguo jiaoshi diuwu jianshe de dingceng sheji (pp. 85-94) [The top-level design of the construction of China's teacher workforce in the new era]. Beijing, China: Beijing Normal University Publishing Group. (《新时代中国教师队伍建设顶层设计》第九条“深化教师人事制度改革”撰写人)
7. Hu, Y., Sang, G., & Liao, W. (2016). Disan bufen: Zhongguo jiaoshi peiyang jigou de shifansheng jiqi jiegou [Section III: Students in China’s teacher preparation institutions and their distributions]. In X., Zhu (Ed.). Zhonguo jiaoshi peiyang jigou fazhan yanjiu [A research on China’s teacher preparation institute development] (pp. 303-364). Beijing, China: Beijing Normal University Publishing Group. (《中国教师培养机构发展研究》中第三部分撰写人之一)
Research Reports
1. Zhu, X., Song, H., Li, Q., Liao, W., …(2023, September). Jiaoyu qiangguo jianshe guihua gangyao “youhua shifanlei zhuanye shezhi” youguan zhengce tiaokuan yanjiu lunzheng baogao [Research report on the relevant policy clauses of "Optimizing the Setting up of Teacher Education Majors" in the "Outline of the Plan for Building a Powerful Nation through Education"](教育部教师工作司《教育强国建设规划纲要》“优化师范类专业设置”有关政策条款研究论证报告)
2. Zhu, X., Li, Q., Song., H.,..., Liao, W.,.... (2021, July). Wei zhonghua minzu fuxing zhumeng zhuhun: Zhongxiaoxue sizheng jiaoshi duiwu fazhan zhuangkuang diaoyan baogao [The research report on the ideological and political theory course teacher workforce development](民进中央社会发展部《为中华民族复兴筑梦铸魂: 中小学思政教师队伍发展状况调研报告》贵州调研负责人与总报告主要撰写人之一)
3. Zhu, X., Li, Q., Song, H., Liao, W., ... (2020, October). Jiaoshi zige ji renyong zhidu gaige, jiaoshi peiyang peixun gaige yu jiaoshifa xiuding yanjiu baogao [The study on the amendments of the clauses related to teacher certification, recruitment, preparation, and development in the Teachers' Law]. (教育部教师工作司咨询报告《教师资格及任用制度改革、教师培养培训改革与教师法修订研究报告》具体执行人与主要撰写人之一)
4. Zhu, X., Li, Q, Song, H., Liao, W., Fu, Y, Wang, H., Jin, W., Gao, L., Hu, Q., Chen, L., Zhao, D., & He, W. (2018, August). Woguo jiaoshi duiwu xianzhuang baogao [The status quo of teacher workforce in China]. Beijing, China: Beijing Normal University Center for Teacher Education Research. (中共中央办公厅政策咨询报告《我国教师队伍现状报告》主要撰写人和通告人之一)
5. Zhu, X., Li, Q., Hu, Y., Zhou, J., Wu, G., Qi, J., Pei, M., Sang, G., Song, H., Cao, X., Zhao, P., Ye, J., Liao, W., Zhao, Y., & Mao, J. (2012, April). Goujian woguo xiandai jiaoshi jiaoyu tixi [Constructing modern teacher education system in China]. Beijing, China: Beijing Normal University Center for Teacher Education Research. (教育部教师工作司政策咨询报告《构建我国现代教师教育体系》撰写人之一)
Professional Services
1. Editorship
· 2019.09 - Now, Associate Editor, Beijing International Review of Education (BIRE)
· 2021.03 - 2023.03, Guest Editor, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, Special Issue on “Teaching and Learning to Teach Critical Thinking” (with Rui Yuan from The University of Macau)
· 2022.03 – 2024.03, Guest Editor, Educational Philosophy and Theory, Special Issue on “Critical Thinking and Curriculum: A Critical Perspective” (with Rui Yuan from The University of Macau)
2. Peer Reviewer (*=SSCI indexed)
· Journal of Teacher Education
· *Teaching and Teacher Education
· *Journal of Education for Teaching
· *Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice
· *Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education
· *Review of Educational Research
· *Sociology of Education
· *Language Teaching Research
· *Educational Philosophy and Theory
· *Scientific Reports
· *Asia Pacific Journal of Education
· *Research Papers in Education
· *International Journal of Educational Research
· *International Journal of Educational Development
· *SAGE Open
· *The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
· *Thinking Skills and Creativity
· Multicultural Education Review
· Issues in Teacher Education
· Educational Research & Development Journal
· Frontiers of Education in China
· ECNU Review of Education
· Future in Educational Research
· Taylor & Francis Group – Books Department
3. Social/Governmental Service
· 2022.01 - 2022.09, Officer, Ministry of Education Teachers Affairs Department
· 2021.01 - now, Assistant, Secretariat of the Eighth Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council Discipline Evaluation Group (Education)
· 2020.10 - 2021.07, Deputy Director, Lushui Bureau of Education, Yunnan Province
Honors & Awards
2023 Outstanding Student Affairs Counselor (BNU)
2022 Second Prize for the Democratic Progressive Party's Policy Consultancy Service in 2022 (DPP)
2022 Huiyan Young Scholars Award (BNU-FOE)
2022 Outstanding Teacher of the Year (2022)
2021 Second Prize for the Higher Education Teaching Reform Achievements (BNU)
2021 Outstanding Participant of the Project on Supporting the Teaching of Nujiang Region (MOE)
2018 Students’ Favorite Teacher Award, The 16th Young Teachers’ Teaching Competition (BNU)
2017 Dissertation Completion Fellowship (MSU)
2016, 2017 Underrepresented Ethnic, Racial and Ability Groups (UREAG) Travel Grant (CIES)
2015 Gaylin Green Miller Scholarship (MSU)
2015 Fellowship to Enhance Global Understanding (MSU)
2008-2011 Graduate Student Scholarship (Beijing Normal Uni.)
2005, 2007 Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award (BNU)