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LI Qiong


Center for Teacher Education Research,Faculty of Education

Beijing Normal University

E-mail: qiongli@bnu.edu.cn


Ph. D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Educational Psychology, 2004

Ed. M., Beijing Normal University

Developmental Psychology, 2000

B. S., Beijing Normal University, Education, 1997


Teacher education

Teacher Professional development

Mathematics teachers’ teaching and learning

Teacher resilience and well-being

Quantitative data analysis in large-scale research


Professor, Beijing Normal University, 2014-

Visiting scholar in State University of New York at Albany (2011-2012)  

Associate Professor, Beijing Normal University, 2009- 2014

Post-doctoral Fellow, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007

Assistant professor (since 2005), Beijing Normal University


Li, Z.; Liu, W.; Li, Q*.(2024).  How Distributed Leadership Affects Social and Emotional Competence in Adolescents: The Chain Mediating Role of Student-Centered Instructional Practices and Teacher Self-Efficacy. Behavioral. Sciences, 14, 133-149.

Li, Z.; Li, Q.*(2024). How Social Support Affects Resilience in Disadvantaged Students: The Chain-Mediating Roles of School Belonging and Emotional Experience. Behavioral Sciences, 14,114-130.

Day, C.W., Simpson, A., Li, Q.*, Bi, Y. and He, F. (2023), Teacher professionalism: Chinese teachers' perspectives, Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 8, 2, pp. 65-89.

Li, Q., Sun, X., Zhou, J.,(2023). Thriving on challenges: understanding teacher resilience in hard-to-staff Chinese rural schools. In: Tierney, R.J., Rizvi, F., Erkican, K. (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education, vol. 5. Elsevier, pp. 191–203.

He, W.; Tian, G.; Li, Q.*; Liu, L.B.; Zhou, J. (2022). Examining the Relationships between  Student Teacher Professional Identity Tensions and Motivation for Teaching: Mediating Role of Emotional Labor Strategies in China. Sustainability 14, 12727.

He, W., Acheampong, P., & Li, Q.* (2021). Learning Power of Chinese Students: Why Perceived Achievement Goal Motivation, Teacher-Student Closeness and Parent Involvement Matter. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 39, 1, 96-112.

Liu, L., J.M. Conner & Q. Li* (2021): Cultivating teacher professionalism in Chinese and U.S. settings: contexts, standards, and personhood, Education Inquiry, DOI: 10.1080/20004508.2021.1950274

Tang, Y.P., Wang, T., Liu, L. Li, Q.*(2020) Teacher Job Satisfaction in  High-Performing Systems: A Multi-Level Study of Teacher, Classroom, and School Factors Using TALIS 2013 Surveys. Asia Pacific Journal of Educational Research, 3(1) 17-43.

Li, Q., Lo, N.K, Zhu, X.(2019). Theater education and teaching in China. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 25(7):753-756.

Li, Q., Gu, Q., & He, W. (2019): Resilience of Chinese teachers and its relationship with perceived working conditions and relational trust. Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives. 17:3, 143-159.

Huang, J., Tang, Y., He, W. & Li, Q * (2019). Singapore’s School Excellence Model and student learning: evidence from PISA 2012 and TALIS 2013, Asia Pacific Journal of Education. Https://doi.org/10.1080/02188791.2019.1575185.

Tang, Y., He, W., Liu, L., & Li, Q.* (2018). Beyond the paycheck: Chinese rural teacher well-being and the impact of professional learning and local community engagement. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 24(7), 825-839.

He, W., Li, Q.* & Mu, H. (2018). Effect of school culture on teacher job satisfactory: The mediating role of teacher agency. Journal of Teacher Education Research, 30(3), 39-45. (Corresponding author)


Principal Investigator, Teacher education evaluation in China. Ministry of Education Grants. 2017-2020.

Principal Investigator, Teacher resilience in Chinese rural areas. Ministry of Education Grants. 2014-2016

Co-Investigator, A study of novice teachers’ development of mathematical knowledge for teaching and the influence of previous preparation, school context and opportunities to learn-on-the-job. International comparative study across 15 counties, 2013-2016

Principal Investigator, Chinese teachers’ professional development in a changing context. Ministry of Education Grants. 2009-2012.

Co-Investigator, Has Curriculum Reform Made a Difference? Looking for Change in Classroom Practice. HKRGC. 2007-2010.