Dr. Huan Song is currently a full professor and the director in the Institute of Teacher Education Research, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, who is also serve for the Center for Teacher Education Research of Beijing Normal University. He has been working at Beijing Normal University for more than 12 years since he gained his Ph.D. degree in curriculum studies from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). His fields of research include: teacher professional development, curriculum construction and revolution, teacher preparation and training, quality management of teacher education, action research, qualitative research.
He has published about 40 research papers in CSSCI & SSCI journals, including Teacher Education Research(in Chinese) , China Higher Education(in Chinese) , Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University(in Chinese), Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education (in English) etc. Meanwhile, he has been leading some research programs, such as on-going How to improve the quality of teacher preparation: Study on the working mechanism and the effect of the teacher education program on student teachers’ professional learning and performance in teaching, which is funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC). Courses taught currently include Pedagogy, Qualitative Research Methods, Teacher Action Research, Teacher Anthropology, and Quantitative Research Methods.
Email: songhuan@bnu.edu.cn
Courses:Quantitative research methods (for Doctor of Education)
Research Areas
Teacher Education, Teacher Professional Development, Curriculum Reform, Educational Anthropology, Action Research.
Selected Publication
Journal Paper
Wenyan Liang, Huan Song & Ran Sun (2020): Can Professional Learning Community Facilitate Teacher Well-being in China: The Mediating Role of Teaching Self-efficacy, Educational Studies. [in press]
Huan Song, Qing Gu & Zhonghua Zhang (2020): An exploratory study of teachers’ subjective wellbeing: understanding the links between teachers’ income satisfaction, altruism, self-efficacy and work satisfaction, Teachers and Teaching, DOI: 10.1080/13540602.2020.1719059 [SSCI]
Barry Bai, Huan Song & Qian Zhang (2018): Catering for teachers’ individual teaching differences in China: the case of forming reciprocal coaching circles supported by university-based teacher educators, Journal of Education for Teaching, 2019, 45(2), 214-218. [SSCI]
Barry Bai & Huan Song (2018). 21st century skills development through inquiry-based learning from theory to practice, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, March, 1-3.
Laura Liu, Song Huan & Pei Miao (2018). Navigating individual and collective notions of teacher wellbeing as a complex phenomenon shaped by national context. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education,48(01), 128-146. [SSCI]
Song Huan, Wang Jingying, & Wang Chenxia(2014). The development and roles' construction of the "U-S" partnership with the local government's promoting.Research in Educational Development, 20. [In Chinese, CSSCI]
Song Huan, Zhu Xudong, &Laura Liu (2013). The honourable road and its impact on teacher practice: an analysis of China's national honour system in cultivating. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 41(3), 253-270. [SSCI]
Lee Chikin, Zhang Zhonghua, & Song Huan(2013). Relationships Between Epistemological Beliefs, Conceptions of Teaching and Learning and Instructional Practices of Teachers: A Chinese Perspective. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 38(2), 120-146.
Lee Chikin, &Song Huan (2012). Effects of Teacher Empowerment on Teacher Efficacy and Organizational Commitment: A Chinese Perspective. Education and Society, 30(3): 5-22.
Song Huan (2012).The role of teachers' professional learning comunities in the context of curriculum reform in high schools. Chinese Education & Society, 45(4), 81-95.
Song Huan(2012). New teacehers' professional development: From mentoring to professional learning community. Studies in Foreign Education, 39(4). [In Chinese, CSSCI]
Song Huan, & Zhang Wenxiao (2012). A study on teacher's professional identification: From professional role towards professional identification. Global Education, 41(3). [In Chinese, CSSCI]
Song Huan (2012). Lesson plan presentation and construction of teachers' knowledge. Curriculum, Teaching Material and Method, 2012, 32(4). [In Chinese, CSSCI]
Song Huan, & Zhong Binglin (2011). Towards practice and the risk of vocational training: A study of Sino-American teacher education model reform. Journal of Higher Education, 32(9).[In Chinese, CSSCI]
Song Huan, & Wei Xin (2011). A study on the relationship between teachers' receptivity of curriculum reform and teacher professional learning community. Research in Educational Development, 10. [In Chinese, CSSCI]
Song Huan(2011). Curriculum Reform, Teacher Empowerment and Teacher Professional Learning Community: Case Studies of Four Primary Schools in Shanghai. Journal of Educational Studies, 7(3).[In Chinese, CSSCI]
Paper presented at conferences
Song Huan, Cross-Boundary Learning in University-School Partnership and Building Learning Communities[C].//The First International Conference of Teacher Learning and Professional Development,2018, Beijing, 28-29 Nov 2018.
Song Huan et al., Lesson Study and the Construction of Student Teachers’ PCK[C].// World Association of Lesson Studies 2018, Beijing, 23-26 Nov 2018.
Song Huan, Teaching Research and Lesson Studies: Models and Experience in China[C].//World Association of Lesson Studies 2018, Beijing, 23-26 Nov 2018.
Song Huan, Current Status, Problems And Solutions Of Teacher Education System In China[C].//The 13th International Symposium on Teacher Education in East Asia(Challenges for the Next-Generation Education), Tokyo, 1-2 Nov 2018.
Song Huan, Current Status Chanllenges and Reprofessionalization of Teacher Education in China[C].//International Conference on Innovations in Teaching and Learning, Lahore, 23-26 June 2018.
Song Huan, Reflection on the professionalization of teacher education[C].// WWUPF, Ural, 6-8 October 2017. 12.
Song Huan. The work and lives of teachers on the honorable road: critical analysis on institution[C].//American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference , Philadephia, US, 2014.
Song Huan, Reconstructing Teacher Education System of China[C].// China-Finland Teacher Education Forum, Beijing, 2013.
Song Huan, Multilevel analysis of the effect of PLC, collective teacher efficacy, and faculty trust on students’ motivation and learning strategies[C].//BERA,2010.
Song Huan, A survey on national system of honors for excellent teachers in China[C].// CIES,2010.
Song Huan, The framework of teacher education curricula: Perspective of teacher profession[C].// the 1st East-Asian International Symposium on Teacher Education Research , 2008.
Xudong Zhu, & Huan Song (2013). Study on Teacher Honor System of China. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press. [In Chinese]
Xudong Zhu, Qiong Li, & Huan Song (2014). Study on Modern Teacher Education System Construction. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press. [In Chinese]
Peijun Guan, Xudong Zhu, Yonggang Song, & Huan Song(2014). Study on Quality Construction of Primary and Secondary School Teachers. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press. [In Chinese]
Huan Song (2015). Study on Teacher Professional Learning Communities. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press. [In Chinese]
Huan Song, Wei Liao (2018). A Report on the Current Situation of the Teaching Staff in China., Ministry of Education., General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.
Huan Song, et al. (2017). A Policy Consultancy Report from a Worldwide Comparison and Analysis to Strengthen the Construction of Teaching Staff on the Basis of Fifty Articles for Building Teaching Staff in China., Ministry of Education.
Huan Song, Shenji Zhou (2017).A Policy Study on Building System for Teacher Education of China., Ministry of Education.
Huan Song, Huajun Zhang (2010). Policy Analysis on China’s Distance Teacher Education in Rural Areas: Report on Data analysis. UNESCO.
Selected Research Projects
National and Ministerial
2019-2020 A study of “Teacher Law” revision and reforms in teacher certificate, teacher preparation and in-service training (MOE)
2017-2019 A study of the Effect Produced by and the Strategies Adopted in the Events for the Professional Development of Macau Teaching Staff (A Project Entrusted by the Government of Macau Special Administrative Region)
2017-2018 A study of the Effect Produced by and the Strategies Adopted in the Events for the Professional Development of Macau Teaching Staff (MOE)
2017-2020 Building a Caring Family-School-Community Educational Body under Multi-layered Influencing Theory (A General Project of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences of Ministry of Education)
2014-2015 Teacher Certificate Exam and Teacher Education Reform (MOE)
2014-2015 Study on the Current Situation, Problems and Countermeasure of Teacher Education System in China (MOE)
2010-2015 Study on Database of Teacher Professional Development in China (the MOE Project of Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences in Universities)
2008-2014 Curriculum Reform and Teacher Professional Learning Communities (Beijing Education Science "11th Five-Year" Plan Project)
2009-2014 Study on PLC-oriented School-based Teacher Training Model Innovation in the Context of Curriculum Reform (National Education Science "11th Five-Year" Plan Project)
2008-2009 Study on Improvement of Primary and Secondary School Teachers' Quality (MOE)
2008-2009 Study on Teacher Education Standards (MOE & World Bank Group)
2007-2008 Study on Teacher Honor System of China (MOE)
2010-2015 Future and Global Educator Program (MSU-BNU)
2010-2014 Teacher Professional Learning Communities, Teacher Professional Development and Student Learning Improvement in China (CUHK-BNU)
2008-2009 Policy Analysis on China’s Distance Teacher Education in Rural Areas (UNESCO)