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Barry Bai
发布时间:2020-08-31     浏览量:

Barry Bai 博士为香港中文大学教育学院助理教授、博士生导师、兼任语言教育及多元素养研究中心副主任。主要从事英语教师教育,包括教师文凭、本科、研究生。博士生辅导方向包括自主写着、英语学习策略、21世纪技能在英语学习中的作用、英语作为第二语言/外语的学习和教学、课例研究、英语教师专业发展等。教授课程包括英语课程设计、教学方法、阅读及写着教学、自然拼读法等。获得的教学奖项包括2014/2015香港中文大学教育学院优秀教学奖并获香港中文大学校长优秀教学奖提名,2014-2018连续四年在联合书院获得优秀教学赞许,获香港中文大学2017/2018大学通识教育优秀教学奖提名。为香港教育局优质教育基金2017/2018主题网络计划(QTN) 英语项目,2018/2019优质基金(QEF)英语课题项目(电子科技辅助下的阅读、写作及结合),2019/2020 QEF 英语课题项目(以3C 合作-创新-审变式思维、自主学习及电子科技为构架的英语写作),2020/2021 QEF 英语课题项目(21世纪技能在小学生英语学习的运用),香港语常会(SCOLAR) 2019/2021 English Alliance 基金e-Writing in Action 及Learning English with Drama Fun 等项目负责人,为超过160间中小学英语教师提供专业发展培训。总共为超过200间的香港中小学提供专业支持,为超过1000名英语教师提供专业讲座。多次为北京师范大学、北京、河北、山东、陕西、广东等地老师提供教师专业发展讲座、系列研讨。同时为澳门英语课程发展教育人员专业发展培训项目2018/2019负责人。2017/2018年度获得香港最具竞争性的大学教育资助委员会颁发的优配研究金(GRF)。获得的教育科研及发展项目资金总额超过1500万港币。曾任新加坡南洋理工大学英语学术写作讲师,北美华人教研策划协会主席、国际会议主办人,现为协会理事。现任Asia Pacific Journal of Education 副主编,多篇学术论文发表在社会科学引文索引(SSCI)一区杂志,包括Cambridge Journal of Education, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Studies in Educational Evaluation, Computer Assisted Language Learning, Language Teaching Research, Applied Linguistics Review, ELT Journal, Reading and Writing Quarterly, TESOL Quarterly, System, Journal of Education for Teaching, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 两本关于英语阅读, 写作的书籍分别由Cambridge Scholars Publishing 和北京外语教研社出版。

Dr. Barry Bai is an assistant professor at the Department of Curriculum adeputy director of Centre for Language Education and Multiliteracies Research (CLEMR) at the Faculty of Education, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He mainly teaches ELT-related courses. He is a recipient of Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award nominee for Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award in 2014/2015  a nominee for the University Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education in 2017/2018. He has also been commended for excellent teaching at the Faculty in 2012/2013  2013/2014  at United College in 2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018. In 2016/2017  2017/2018, he was ranked top 3  top 2 in 2018/2019 in students’ course evaluation in teaching in the Department. He has extensive teaching and teacher training experience in Singapore, Hong Kong and China. He has conducted several projects on English teachers’ continuing professional development funded by Quality Education Fund (QEF) of the Hong Kong Education Bureau and the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a total funding amount of around HK$ 15 million. His a recipient of the most competitive research funds, i.e., Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) Competitive Research Funding Schemes 2018/2019. He is currently an associate editor of Asia Pacific Journal of Education. His research interests include teaching ESL/EFL, motivation, self-regulation in ESL/EFL writing, self-regulation  e-learning, and teacher education. His work appears in Cambridge Journal of Education, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Studies in Educational EvaluationComputer Assisted Language Learning, Language Teaching Research, Applied Linguistics Review, TESOL QuarterlySystemThe Asia-Pacific Education ResearcherJournal of Education for Teaching, ELT Journal, and Reading & Writing Quarterly.